I've been spending much more time actually knitting than reading about knitting on the internet. Here's the results:
Tidal Wave Socks with Tofutsies yarn. The pattern is from the Southwest Trading Company website, and is a nice, quick knit. What would ordinarily be stripes have been broken up by the pattern, and I quite like it.

My main project is the Taconic pullover pattern from Valley Yarns with Berrocco Ultra Alpaca. The back is complete, and the front should be shortly. The cooler weather has made it possible to keep knitting on this. I'm afraid that if I put it away for the summer my gauge will change, so I'm determined to finish it as quickly as possible. Since it's a V-neck, the front should be finished soon, and sleeves will be quick.

I finally decided what to do with the silk/mohair boucle that I bought at Rhinebeck. I'd been searching Ravelry for a pattern, and nothing worked well with the boucle, so I'm back to the veil stitch in the round. So far so good, though slow to knit due to the bumps.

Off to a Memorial Day picnic with lots of knitting time. Thanks to our troops and all that went before them.