L&V Yarn Pr0n Secret Swap Package Arrival
Look at all my goodies! My pal is FiredUpFairy and she made the book and the notecards.

The book has handmade paper and picture mounts (the little triangular corner thingies), and I haven't decided what to put in there. I'm thinking swatches and representative samples of yarn from finished projects. A previous secret pal (Hi Miz Hardy!) sent me a notebook that is good for ongoing notes and calculations and things, so this will be for Finished Objects. It should last quite a while. The first FO to go into the book will be my Monkey socks - #2 is done except for the toe. My left thumb and forefinger are a bit sore and tired right now, so they'll get a rest and I'll finish tonight.
The other contents of the box are equally fab - love the Tofutsies yarn and pattern. I'm struggling with which socks to do next - Rockin Sock Club (I should start before the next shipment arrives) or something with the Tofutsies that will be light enough for summer wearing. Or both. I'm leaning towards using the STR Monsoon with RPM, as the challenges of the toe-up Inside Out sock pattern have me scared off. There is a downside of reading the blog postings of those brave enough to try - lots of frogging to get the gage/fit correct.
I just saw on the CT Sheep and Fiber Festival web site that the calendar page has the Spring Festival on April 28th, 2007. It's the .pdf files for programs, etc. that isn't up to date. As soon as I get some further news of a blogger meet up, I'll post it. Karen and I are planning for a picnic, so hope to see some familiar faces and blognames there.

The book has handmade paper and picture mounts (the little triangular corner thingies), and I haven't decided what to put in there. I'm thinking swatches and representative samples of yarn from finished projects. A previous secret pal (Hi Miz Hardy!) sent me a notebook that is good for ongoing notes and calculations and things, so this will be for Finished Objects. It should last quite a while. The first FO to go into the book will be my Monkey socks - #2 is done except for the toe. My left thumb and forefinger are a bit sore and tired right now, so they'll get a rest and I'll finish tonight.
The other contents of the box are equally fab - love the Tofutsies yarn and pattern. I'm struggling with which socks to do next - Rockin Sock Club (I should start before the next shipment arrives) or something with the Tofutsies that will be light enough for summer wearing. Or both. I'm leaning towards using the STR Monsoon with RPM, as the challenges of the toe-up Inside Out sock pattern have me scared off. There is a downside of reading the blog postings of those brave enough to try - lots of frogging to get the gage/fit correct.
I just saw on the CT Sheep and Fiber Festival web site that the calendar page has the Spring Festival on April 28th, 2007. It's the .pdf files for programs, etc. that isn't up to date. As soon as I get some further news of a blogger meet up, I'll post it. Karen and I are planning for a picnic, so hope to see some familiar faces and blognames there.
The 2007 invitation and program are up now!!! I just printed them both. Woo hoo!!!!!!
Hi there! I came over to thank you for the birthday wishes you left on my blog --what a treat!
I am hoping to check out the CT Fiber Festival. I don't think it's too far from me, especially if I can convince my friend to come with me.
I love love love your monkey socks. Those colors are gorgeous!!
Thanks again for commenting on my blog! I've added yours to my bloglines.
glad you like everything! i'm sending you cyber good vibes to help your hand feel better! at least you're getting more knitting done than before.
have a great weekend!
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